Christian Apologetics Free Course 03

Christian Apologetics Free Course 03
Historical Apologetics

abstract-95721_640Bible-believing Christians have recognized the perils befalling the Christian if the historical basis of this faith can be shown to be invalid. Consequently, for the last two centuries many thousands of brilliant scholars have devoted their entire lives to examine, clarify, and defend the historicity of the Biblical narratives. So much so that entire disciplines of study and research have come up in seminaries, colleges, and Universities around the world as a consequence of all this. Such is the importance of historical studies for the Christian faith, and Historical Apologetics is only a small part of these historical studies.

How Do These Free Christian Apologetics Courses Work: These free Christian apologetics, Christian evidence, creationism, and intelligent design lessons have been written from an evidentialist framework. These are provided totally free to you for your personal study, enrichment, and equipping. There is no fees, and no formal application. These are self-study online courses similar to the older-generation correspondence courses. We keep adding new courses every week. Check at the top navigation-bar to see all the courses that are available.

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Other Lessons In Course 03

Updated: April 13, 2014 — 3:15 am


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  1. Dominic siatoongo chibilika

    I would like to study Christian apologetics with you

  2. From what I have been reading around, it is evident that some men have accessed some pre-flood literature. MR. Carson always talks about the EMERALD TABLETS. This generated a lot of interest in historic apologetics. This man does not mean well to our faith.

    I am looking forward to gaining understanding of our historical faith.

    Stay blessed.

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