The battle against the Christian faith has intensified much in the 21st century. They are now using all available tools to oppose the faith. In such a situation, Christian apologetics rises high in importance. However, not everyone can use apologetics because it is both a science as well as an art. Such things require at least seminary level training before someone can use them. This is why apologetics-focused Bible schools are so important.
More than 3 decades ago we decided to launch a free bible college and seminary where a great emphasis is laid upon Christian apologetics. The question now was, can we have a tuition free bible college and seminary where apologetics courses can be offered totally free of cost. That also bachelors, masters, and doctoral level theology and apologetics and theology courses. Several of us brainstormed the issue for long and decided that we need to use modern technology to create a free christian bible college and seminary where there is a great empha
Other Lessons In Editorials and News
- ISDET: A Review
- Why ISDET Is The Best Distance Seminary
- Theological education with the help of technology
- The Value of a Theological Education
- Pastors and Their Theological Education
- Why Free Apologetics Courses
- Why Totally Free Apologetics-based Bible School
- Why Apologetics Education Must be Made FREE
- The Benefits of Online Apologetics Learning
- Advantages of a FREE Bible College
So glad that the Lord is continuing to sustain this distance education, free of costs except for registration fees for alllllllllllllll! I count my blessings with this program and I am determined to share the program with others and honor the institution by fulfilling my role as a student!
Again three decades!!!!
Be blessed Gods people
I encourage every Christian to take advantage of these free materials.
Be blessed.